Zumba in aid of Fondazzjoni Sebħ
A group of lovely ladies joined Fondazzjoni Sebh on the 5th of May 2022 for one fun Zumba activity. Attendees donated whilst keeping fit and having fun, whereby €202.70 were raised in aid of Fondazzjoni Sebh. Thank you to all those who attended and to…
Optimist Club of Malta presents a number of figolli to Fondazzjoni Sebħ in time for Easter
On Tuesday, 12th April, as part of the celebrations of Holy Week, Optimist Club of Malta have presented several healthy figolli to Fondazzjoni Sebħ to be handed out to children who currently live in church homes. This is just one initiative for Holy Week launched…
Fondazzjoni Sebħ in plea for donations to assist vulnerable children and women
Fondazzjoni Sebħ has appealed for donations as it is undertaking a number of projects which will benefot vulnerable children and victims of domestic violence. Speaking to Newsbook.com.mt, Fondazzjoni Sebħ director Yvonne Mallia said the organisation is undertaking two projects. Fondazzjoni Sebħ is a Church organisation that…
Il-Mixja ta’ Caminiamo b’risq Fondazzjoni Sebħ
Is-sena 2020 kienet sena mimlija sfidi iżda għal Fonadazzjoni Sebħ kienet ukoll ta’ opportunita` fejn il-volontarjat fi ħdanha ħa xgira oħra. Dan sar permezz tal-grupp li jġib l-isem ta’ Caminiamo, grupp ta’ nies li għandhom għal qalbhom il-mixi. Waqt il-pandemija tal-COVID-19 dan il-passatemp ma setghux…
Charity Shop
The beginning of October saw the blessing and opening of our new Charity Shop. The Charity shop run by Dar Sagra Familja and it’s dedicated volunteers offers a variety of items at a very low price. These items are sold with the aim of raising…
TAPP Water jagħmlu donazzjoni oħra lil Fondazzjoni Sebħ
Kumpanija lokali TAPP Water (Malta) Ltd segwiet donazzjoni ta’ erba’ filtri tal-ilma s-sena l-oħra lil Fondazzjoni Sebħ b’donazzjoni ta’ 13-il filtru ieħor. Il-filtri l-ġodda ġew installati f’Il-Milja, iż-Żejtun, shelter għal 12-il familja li kienu vittmi ta’ vjolenza domestika, servizz residenzjali ta’ after care għal tlett…
Suċċess fl-ewwel edizzjoni ta’ Festival ta’ football
Nhar is-Sibt 9 ta’ Ottubru 2021 filgħaxija ġiet fi tmiemha l-ewwel edizzjoni ta’ festival ta’ 16 il-siegħa ta’ football mtellgħa minn Fondazzjoni Sebħ b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Fgura United Football Club. Fondazzjoni Sebħ hija entità non-governattiva fi ħdan il-Knisja li tmexxi 4 t’idjar tat-tfal: Dar Sagra Familja, Ħaż-Żabbar,…
Time Capsule
One of Malta Social Impact Awards founding members, Inspirasia Foundation, has raised over Eur2,700 for Fondazzjoni Sebħ so far through the sales of the Malta Together Time Capsule book – which showcases the artistic and written talents of the community, and documenting their thoughts, stories…
One of the first projects that the Community Prevention Team (CPT) wished to embark on from the outset was one of ‘active citizens’, more specifically – active young people – to facilitate their participation in their own community. So, when the ‘Active Citizens Fund’ opened…
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