Fundraise your birthday this year: Donate to Fondazzjoni Sebħ!
In this exclusive Q&A, the birthday fundraising participants, Goddo Debattista and Dattoli Marlene, discuss their experiences organizing a birthday fundraising event and the outcome of their noble gesture. Marlene Dattoli, Fundrasing and Events Executive at Fondazzjoni Sebh • What inspired you to donate your birthday…
Concert by the Paediatrics Association in aid of Fondazzjoni Sebħ
Various artists from the paediatric department will be performing at a concert, Paediatrics Unwrapped 2024 in aid of Fondazzjoni Sebħ. The concert presents a variety of artistic talents from The Malta Paediatrics Association including music, dance, singing, and art, featuring a special guest, VOCA choir….
Pass Pass Mas Sebh – 24 hour walk
PASS PASS MAS SEBH – 24 HOUR WALKFundraiser for The Children living at ‘Fondazzjoni Sebh’ residences. A very first holiday abroad for the children! Team Goddo, Round Table Malta, and HSN Signs are proud to present a 24-walk fundraiser for the children living at ‘Fondazzjoni…
Fondazzjoni Sebħ’s services need €3 million to support vulnerable women, Children and Families
Fondazzjoni Sebħ, a Church-run NGO, estimates it will cost around €3 million by the end of the year to continue supporting vulnerable members of society, including children, families, and women and children escaping violence. Sebħ’s Director Yvonne Mallia turned a spotlight on the meaningful work…
Fondazzjoni Sebh receives donation in the form of dividends from PG Group
Heartfelt gratitude from Fondazzjoni Sebh for the generous dividends received from the shares donated in 2020 by Mr. Paul Gauci, founder of PG Group. This invaluable support significantly enables Fondazzjoni Sebh to advance their mission of fostering an environment conducive to growth and recovery, ensuring…
Aftercare Training Flatlet
Over the last couple of years Fondazzjoni Sebh has been working on solidifying the aftercare services for those children who are leaving residential care. This was given focus with the aim of reducing the vulnerabilities of these youth when entering the community, increasing opportunities available…
Jinġabru total ta’ €6,600 għal btala barra minn Malta għat-tfal ta’ Fondazzjoni Sebħ minn #teamgoddo
F’għeluq is-sittin sena tiegħu, Godwin Debattista ddeċieda li jorganizza mixja ta’ sittin milmaqsuma f’jumejn biex jiġbor fondi għal Fondazzjoni Sebħ li jixtiequ jieħdu iktar minn 40 tifelu tifla fuq btala għall-ewwel darba. Minflok iċċelebra għeluq sninu mal-familja kif jagħmel ta’kull sena, din is-sena b’mod differenti…
Joħolqu libsa tal-karti li tista’ tintlibes
Il-familji u tfal residenti fi djar u s-servizzi ta’ Fondazzjoni Sebħ qed jaħdmu fi proġett ma’ żewġ artisti biex itellgħu wirja ta’ fjuri magħmula mill-karti u wkoll libsa tal-karti li tista’ tintlibes. Minbarra hekk, it-tfal li jgħixu fid-djar ta’ Fondazzjoni Sebħ qed jitħejjew biex jagħmlu…
Malta’s only For Impact Event & Fair returns, offering unique opportunity for businesses, individuals and social purpose organisations.
Get ready to make a meaningful impact in Malta! The Academy of Givers is hosting its second annual For Impact Event & Fair on March 28, 2023, at Salini Resort. This unique, full-day event is an excellent opportunity to learn from industry experts how to…
Tibda l-ewwel fażi tal-proġett ‘See My Voice’ ta’ Fondazzjoni SebħIl-proġett ingħata l-Premju tal-President għall-Kreattività 2022.
Fondazzjoni Sebħ qed tniedi l-proġett ‘See My Voice’ li f’Diċembru li għadda ngħata l-Premju tal-President għall-Kreattività 2022 bl-allokazzjoni ta’ €9,698 għal din l-inizjattiva. Bħalissa l-Fondazzjoni tinsab fl-ewwel fażi tal-proġett li se jitwettaq ma’ tfal li jgħixu fid-djar residenzjali tal-Fondazzjoni, nisa u wliedhom li għaddew minn…
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