Every drop counts, and your action now can have a ripple effect on the lives of many. Your contribution towards our cause can vary greatly from becoming a volunteer and helping in the day to day requests, to supporting us financially through your generous donations or fundraising activities. You can even help support us through your business or corporation by becoming an official corporate sponsor.
Feel free to explore your next step could be and contact us should you need any assistance.
Fondazzjoni Sebħ is continuously on the lookout for volunteers to help us with our fundraising initiatives as well as our care and community services.
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to become a volunteer with Fondazzjoni Sebħ, kindly fill in this Volunteer Application and attach it to the form below.
If you are under the age of 18 and would like to volunteer with us, you are also requested to fill in the Minors Consent Form and attach it to the form below.
Upon receiving your application form, you will be contacted by the Professional Officer and be given the opportunity to discuss your volunteering wishes while also learning more about the areas within Fondazzjoni Sebħ that require the most support.

Students Research

If you are a student and wish to conduct a research within Fondazzjoni Sebħ you are to send the interview guidelines and/or questionnaires, consent forms, and any other documents providing information about the research, by email.
Your request will be taken into consideration based on:
- the ethical standards being presented;
- the assurance that the research does not pose any risk of negative effect on the participants;
- the acquisition of a consensual agreement by the participants to participate in the study;
- Fondazzjoni Sebħ being given enough time to recruit the participants;
- the relevance of the study to the work of Fondazzjoni Sebħ;
- the number of studies being carried out within Fondazzjoni Sebħ at any given point in time
Crowd Funding Campaigns and Organising Events
Crowd funding campaigns and Fundraising events are a means of creating awareness on our services whilst encouraging the public to donate. If you have the drive to lead a crowd funding campaign or a fundraising event, we are more than willing to assist you. SKindly contact us via email for further guidance.

Corporate Social Responsability

If you are a group of people or a company and you wish to donate some of your time together, Fondazzjoni Sebħ benefits greatly from CSR offers. You can make contact us by sending us an email and we will help you organise your CSR.
Fondazzjoni Sebħ relies on charitable donations from various sources. You can effect donations through various means in order to function at high standards. Should you wish to donate to a particular project, we are more than happy to assist you in deciding on the project you would like to invest your funds in. Fundraising events should follow the regulations set by the relevant authorities and abide by the Laws of Malta.
- Donations
- For more information kindly visit the Donations Page
- Selling of items
- Fondazzjoni Sebħ owns a Charity Shop that is located near Dar Sagra Familja in Zabbar. Proceeds go to the needs of our services.